Sunday, March 1, 2015

Working Mama..

So I started my orientation this week and will be starting my training as well! It's so tiring! I will be working the night shift once I start my scheduled hours, but until then I'll be working mostly days, and some evenings meaning that I'm away from my babe. I have never spent this many hours away from him this many days in a row, so it's been super tough! He's been bouncing around from being watch by Daddy and AJ's mom, so when I finally get home all I want is to nurse this babe and get in my snuggles <3 I cannot wait to start my hours so I don't have to be away from him for any extended amount of his waking hours. I will miss bath and bedtime, which really sucks, but it'll give Daddy and CJ a nice time to bond, as I have always done bath time since he was born.