Sunday, July 13, 2014

3 Months

Happy three month birthday, Little Man. Daddy & I cannot get over how big you are getting. You are developing such a little personality everyday. We can literally see the wheels turning in that head of yours when we look into those beautiful baby blues of yours. We cannot wait to see those little teeth come out! 

How old: 3 months:
Looks like: Yep, Daddy still
Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz
Height: 24 inches
Likes: standing whenever possible, bouncing, tolerating tummy time, giving big smiles, hanging out with Daddy, being a little chatter box, watching the fish at Grandma & Grandpa’s, putting his fingers in his mouth.. all the time.
Dislikes: still not sure about tummy time and teething
Milestones: The teething process has begun at 10 weeks.. Cue the overwhelming amounts of drool, hands (his or anyone else’s) in his mouth at all times, and fussy teething tantrums.

The picture we used for Cooper's christening invitation. Love it! <3 

We are in full party planning mode around here as we prepare for Cooper's christening in a few weeks. It sure takes a lot of work (& money) to plan a party for a baby. Not like inviting people over for a BBQ and a few beers that's for sure! We cannot wait to see little man in his adorable white suit that Auntie Zibba bought for him. Hopefully he doesn't freak out when they pour the water on his head! 

Coop loves to match Uncle Alex 

I love my boys <3

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