Sunday, August 31, 2014

Luke Bryan Concert!

Every now & then I get to have an awesome night out.. this was certainly one of those nights! We were able to get tickets to the Luke Bryan concert, at which Cole Swindell, Lee Brice, and Dierks Bentley also preformed.. AWESOME NIGHT!! Nothing like putting your cowboy boots on & jammin' to some country music.. until Solder's Field runs out of beer.. wait did that really happen??

Thursday, August 14, 2014

4 Months

Happy four month birthday, Cooper James, my little Rolly Polly. I look into those beautiful blue eyes everyday, and I still cannot get over how gorgeous they are. You are such a precious boy, even though you can see the devil in those eyes sometimes. We are so excited that you learned how to roll & cannot wait to see all of the new things you will learn in the coming months! 

How old: 4 months
Looks like: Still a lot like Daddy, but starting to get more of Mama’s eyes
Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz
Height: 26 inches
Likes: Rolling over, playing with toys and the cat, smiling, laughing, playing with Daddy when he comes home from work & going to Wisconsin
Dislikes: Getting his first cold

Milestones: On August 6th Cooper rolled over from belly to back! Yay! We were give the go-ahead to start him on oatmeal, so we are super excited to get down and dirty with starting foods other than milk! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Cooper's first cold, first trip to Wisconsin & first time showing his werewolf alter-ego.

So we had been planning on taking a trip up to Wisconsin to AJ's family farm since Cooper was born, and finally had a weekend that the whole family could go. Of course, the night before we were going to leave, Cooper starting with this horrible coughing, which turned into coughing and sneezing, which by the middle of the night turned into coughing, sneezing, and a 103 degree fever. UGH! I was up watching him all night, taking his temp every 30 min, giving him Tylenol, rocking him back to sleep when his coughing spells would wake him up, and putting all natural vapor rub on his feet. Finally around 4 am his fever broke. We talked about if we should take the 6 hour drive up North or not with him having a cold, but decided that since his fever ad broken that we should be good, and would come back if it started up again. Well he certainly got a lot of rest on the way up there.. slept the whole time minus the 45 minutes we got out to eat! By the time we got up to the farm, he was doing pretty well, just had a stuffy nose & a little cough. I think the fresh air did him some mighty good because the next day he was back to feeling like a champ. However, we did have some MAJOR sleeping issues while we were there, and are hoping that they don't continue now that we're home.I'm going to blame it on the full moon that he wouldn't go to sleep until almost 1 am & was up every 30 minutes after that the rest of the night. Cooper James.. the werewolf.  

Poor sick babe on the way up.. 

With Cooper's tree that Great Grandpa planted for him on the farm! Can't wait to watch it grow! 

We had to stop at the Mars Cheese Castle on the way home! Yum!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Happy Christening Day, Cooper James

We had such beautiful weather on Cooper's christening day. We had planned for his party to be inside/outside at AJ's parent's house and the weather report was calling for beautiful weather and clear skies for days then 3 days before the party the weather report changed, giving us a 70% chance of storms, right when we were going to start the party. The party gods were ever in our favor though, because it turned out to be a gorgeous day! 

A huge thank you goes out to Cooper's AWESOME Uncle Andrew for taking the beautiful aerial photos from the balcony of the church. 

Auntie Zibba, Cooper's Amazing Godmother 

Uncle Alex, Cooper's amazing Godfather

The Holmstrom boys

Our amazing family that came out to witness Cooper's christening

Everyone scrambling to get CJ into his white suit after being baptized 


The Holmstrom Boys

All of Cooper's Great Grandparents 

Cooper's Grandparents

Meme the Great

Our awesome signs & party favors (Hershey kisses with customized stickers on the bottom) were made by one of my new favorite Etsy shops. They are amazing there, and took every idea that I had and turn it into reality! & man were they fast! You can check them out here

Coop looking awfully ridiculous, but still adorable in the hat that came with his suit. 

God Bless Cooper James customized bib. BEAUTIFUL work done by another favorite etsy shop

Coop's custom booties came from Soft Soul Baby Shoes etsy shop

& his adorable monogramed diaper cover that he was baptized in came from, you guessed it, another etsy shop

Can you tell I'm slightly obsessed with Etsy. I mean, how can you not be? I have bought some of my cutest things from there & who doesn't love things to be customized! . 

We got the Godmother & Godfather prints, and a print for Cooper from Kreations by Marilyn 

Mama love <3 

Well.. I know who to come & find when I find alcohol in my underage son's room when he's a teenager.... Uncle Andrew!! 

AJ's best friend, Uncle Danny

I love seeing these boys together. 

My godparents, Debbie & Joe, AJ's godparents, Ken & Sandee, & Cooper's Godparents, Zibba & Alex