Thursday, August 14, 2014

4 Months

Happy four month birthday, Cooper James, my little Rolly Polly. I look into those beautiful blue eyes everyday, and I still cannot get over how gorgeous they are. You are such a precious boy, even though you can see the devil in those eyes sometimes. We are so excited that you learned how to roll & cannot wait to see all of the new things you will learn in the coming months! 

How old: 4 months
Looks like: Still a lot like Daddy, but starting to get more of Mama’s eyes
Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz
Height: 26 inches
Likes: Rolling over, playing with toys and the cat, smiling, laughing, playing with Daddy when he comes home from work & going to Wisconsin
Dislikes: Getting his first cold

Milestones: On August 6th Cooper rolled over from belly to back! Yay! We were give the go-ahead to start him on oatmeal, so we are super excited to get down and dirty with starting foods other than milk! 

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