Monday, September 15, 2014

5 Months

Happy five month birthday, Buckaroo!! You are getting SOO big! You eat your oatmeal like a champ. We cannot wait to start you on purees so you can taste all of the good stuff that you try and steal off of our plates every night at dinner. 

How old: 5 months
Looks like: Starting to look like more of a mix now
Weight: 17 lbs 2 oz
Height: 26 inches
Likes: Rolling over, playing with toys, eating his oatmeal, bath time
Dislikes: Sleeping.
Milestones: On September 7th Cooper rolled over from back to belly! Yay! He is doing great with his oatmeal & we're hoping that we get the go-ahead to start him on purees at his six month check up!

Best Buddies For Life 


Hanging out with Daddy 

Cooper LOVES his oatmeal!! 

Messy messy baby 

Mama's new haircut 

Chillin' in Uncle Andrew's new car! 

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