Monday, December 29, 2014

My 3rd Annual 21st Birthday

My mom offered to take Cooper so we could go out for my birthday. Since my birthday landed on a Sunday this year, we celebrated on Saturday with friends. We had a delicious dinner at Lawry's Prime Rib and then went to a speakeasy called Bordel which was pretty sweet. I clearly should not take pictures after having a few drinks.. and really need to adjust the flash length on my phone. That shit's killer. We spent Sunday, my actual birthday, laying low at home with a very cranky baby. I wish that top tooth would just come out already and stop making my boy such a terror. Anyways, here's to a sad goodbye to 23 and a happy hello to 24. 

Pretty much sums up our friendship

Cooper smashed my cake.. 

Family <3 We even got Boone in it ! 

Cooper looking at my cake that he previously smashed. 

Part of my gift from my future mother-in-law.. She's good! 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Merry Christmas!

So, Santa was VERY good to Cooper this year. We celebrated Christmas over 3 days, had 5 separate gift openings and way too much food. However, we spent much needed time with both families, which was very nice. Cooper got to meet cousins he hasn't met yet, and we got to have a mini engagement celebration compliments of AJ's grandparents who bought us this delicious engagement cake that we enjoyed at brunch at AJ's parents home with his dad's side of the family. Here are some of our favorite Christmas photos.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday, that Santa brought you everything you wanted and you had some time to relax!

Christmas morning at the Holmstrom's 

CJ's awesome new TMNT ball pit!

Our beautiful cake

CJ with his great grandparents 

Now there are some handsome men 

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Cooper & his grandparents

Cousin (girlfriend) Lyndsey showing CJ all of the food to keep him from being cranky

What a lady killer

Chillin' with cousin Nick from Florida! 

Same faces.. 

The Holmstrom & Decosola kids! 

The Holmstrom brothers 

Christmas at the Pyle's 

One of Cooper's Christmas artwork pieces 

Cooper with Auntie Michelle 


My favorite men! 

CJ & his grandparents 

Cooper eating for the 104293582097523 time that day


Loving his new sled! 

CJ's "I'm done with this Christmas stuff!" face


Christmas with Mama & Daddy 

Dancing baby 

AJ's things didn't fit in his stocking zoo he got a stocking bag stuffed with things (and his stocking..) spoiled 

That's cute.

CJ's awesome gift from Auntie/God Mommy Zibba.. his very first car! 

Mama & Daddy got his & her matching snorkeling sets from Cooper.. He's so smart. 

My boy <3 

Per usual, Cooper & I did arts & crafts for gifts for the holidays.. 

My awesome fiancé helped me paint ornaments that we used as name tags for gifts this year! He's a keeper!