Monday, February 24, 2014

32 Weeks | Babypalooza

First off, I would like to give a huge thank you to all of our friends and family that came out for our baby shower. It means the world to us that so many people took the time to drive in from other states to celebrate the upcoming birth of our little guy! 

Secondly, holy cow! The amount of gifts that we received is unreal! Lil' Man got so many cute clothes (not sure if he'll even be able to wear all of them before he grows out of them.. but we'll try!) Everyone was so generous, it was very heart warming. Our amazing hostesses did an amazing job planning and carrying out our party. 

Among some of our favorite gifts (cannot list them all.. I'd be here all day.. No literally, it took 2 hours to open gifts, I even took a pee break)

We'll be taking a few trips to Babies R Us and BuyBuyBaby in the next week or so to pick up all of the little things that we didn't get from the shower.. and probably to exchange some of the clothes for bigger sizes since it doesn't seem like Baby H will be staying in newborn size too long. 

Mama & Daddy-to-be

Baby shower hostesses (minus Mama H)

Best friend, Soul sister, Other half, God mother.. so many roles that this amazing lady plays


Great Grandmothers-to-be

Best friends forever.. even we're miles apart from each other

Delicious cake! 

How far along: 32 w 6 d
Stretch marks: forget it….
Sleep: barely
Best Moment: Baby shower!! So thankful to all of our wonderful friends and family that joined us in celebrating our little man. We received so many beautiful gifts, and a TON of clothes. Baby H will certainly never be poorly dressed.
Worst Moment: Nothing too bad this week. However, we did find out that I will be getting weekly biophysical ultrasounds because no one can figure out why this baby is so big… which means I get to take a trip to the hospital every week.. Ugh.. So much driving.
Miss anything: Being able to wear heals for an extended amount of time without my feet feeling like they are going to fall off
Movement: Oh yes
Cravings: Just hungry all the time.. Doesn’t really matter what it is
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Yea…
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in/out: Out.
Things you're looking forward to: Organizing all of the baby items we received and going shopping for everything that we didn’t get!

Friday, February 21, 2014

31 Weeks.. Dress that actually fits.. where art thou??

Well.. Lil' Man is the size of a coconut and I'm wishing I could have some Malibu Rum right now... Some how I don't think the combo is a good idea though unfortunately. Baby H finally decided to go head down, thank goodness.. Now I am bake to planning for my natural delivery! We have been working with an amazing doula, Lindsey Monroe  for the past few weeks, in hopes that we will be able to have a natural delivery. She will also be doing our maternity and Baby's newborn photography. 

Note to all preggos out there.. mentally prepare yourself for a day of frustration when searching for a dress/outfit for a special occasion.. especially your baby shower. Gone are the days of going to mall, looking through the racks and finding something instantly. Lord have mercy on my round belly and swollen boobs. 

I am however really looking forward to the baby shower this weekend.. So excited to see friends and family that I haven't seen in a while, eat some amazing food, and organize all of the baby gifts that we get for Baby H!  

How far along: 31w 6d
Stretch marks: Seems to be getting a little better with the coco butter… C’mon miracle lotion!
Sleep: not so much.
Best Moment: Finally finding a dress for the shower… Taking a tour of the hospital L&D unit, and meeting with Dr. C, my fave OB and found out Baby H is head down!! Fingers crossed that he stays that way!
Worst Moment: Shopping for 8+ hours trying to find a dress, and ending up ordering one online…. Fail. & as if my lovely tiger stripes weren’t bad enough.. I have been so itchy on my belly that I feel like I have friggen Poison Ivy!
Miss anything: Being able to fit into normal people clothes… slightly nostalgic of my skinny girl days walking through the mall and looking at all of the cute clothes that I couldn’t fit in even with the best shape wear in the world.
Movement: That’s affirmative.
Cravings: Pretty much drooling over the menu for the baby shower that I will soon be able to enjoy!
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Yea… Adam has officially begun calling our baby a basketball under my clothes.. and tells me not to dribble him too hard.
Labor signs: Nope.. but baby is head down! I’m so ready to be done being pregnant…. Hoping he comes in the beginning of April instead of the 21st..
Belly button in/out: Out.
Things you're looking forward to: Baby shower, amazing food, getting lots of amazing baby things, rearranging our room to accommodate the cradle that my awesome sister has given me that our uncle built for her when she had my nephews, getting to see lots of family and friends that I haven’t seen in a while and many other things!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

30 Weeks | Be mine.. Little Man?

How far along: 30w 6d
Stretch marks: Swtiched to Coco butter lotion… Eff you BioOil.
Sleep: Pretty sure I’ve worn a path from bed to the bathroom.
Best Moment: Eating lots and lots of Valentine’s Day candy and knowing that we have less than 10 weeks left to go!
Worst Moment: Not sleeping kinda sucks..
Miss anything: Sleep, sub sandwiches, hot dogs, coke…
Movement: “He likes to move-it, move-it.”
Cravings: Lots and lots of fruit
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Can’t really remember being skinny at this point.
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in/out: Out for the count.
Things you're looking forward to: Baby shower next week!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

29 Weeks... My rib cage has become Lil Man's fighting cage

How far along: 29w 6d
Stretch marks: C’mon BioOil!
Sleep: That bags under my eyes can answer that question
Best Moment: Stocking up on chocolate covered marshmellow hearts.. No shame here.
Worst Moment: Pelvic pain is still there, but getting a little better with the help of my awesome chiro.
Miss anything: Being able to take pain meds…
Movement: This baby is determined to break one of my ribs.. I’m certain of it.
Cravings: You guessed it. Fruit.
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Little people were clearly not meant to carry large children.. I look like I’m going to fall forward and still have more than 10 weeks left!
Labor signs: Lovely Braxton Hicks.
Belly button in/out: I think I would have to officially say that it’s out.
Things you're looking forward to: Maxing out on Valentine’s Day Candy!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along: 28w 6d
Stretch marks: BioOil doesn’t seem to be helping.. at all… Eff.
Sleep: None. Getting up to pee every 2 hours really is not compatible with a good nights sleep.
Best Moment: Knowing we only have 12 weeks left!
Worst Moment: Holy mother of all pelvic pain! Just asking for a little relief over here! 
Miss anything: Being able to walk around without wanting to cry.
Movement: Oh yes.  
Cravings: Fruit, and root beer floats. Nom.
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Mhmmmm
Labor signs: Nope,
Belly button in/out: I think it’s more out than in at this point…
Things you're looking forward to: Valentine’s day is coming up soon… Reasonable excuse to stock up on chocolate covered marshmellow hearts.. and devour them.