Sunday, February 9, 2014

29 Weeks... My rib cage has become Lil Man's fighting cage

How far along: 29w 6d
Stretch marks: C’mon BioOil!
Sleep: That bags under my eyes can answer that question
Best Moment: Stocking up on chocolate covered marshmellow hearts.. No shame here.
Worst Moment: Pelvic pain is still there, but getting a little better with the help of my awesome chiro.
Miss anything: Being able to take pain meds…
Movement: This baby is determined to break one of my ribs.. I’m certain of it.
Cravings: You guessed it. Fruit.
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Little people were clearly not meant to carry large children.. I look like I’m going to fall forward and still have more than 10 weeks left!
Labor signs: Lovely Braxton Hicks.
Belly button in/out: I think I would have to officially say that it’s out.
Things you're looking forward to: Maxing out on Valentine’s Day Candy!

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