Sunday, February 2, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along: 28w 6d
Stretch marks: BioOil doesn’t seem to be helping.. at all… Eff.
Sleep: None. Getting up to pee every 2 hours really is not compatible with a good nights sleep.
Best Moment: Knowing we only have 12 weeks left!
Worst Moment: Holy mother of all pelvic pain! Just asking for a little relief over here! 
Miss anything: Being able to walk around without wanting to cry.
Movement: Oh yes.  
Cravings: Fruit, and root beer floats. Nom.
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Mhmmmm
Labor signs: Nope,
Belly button in/out: I think it’s more out than in at this point…
Things you're looking forward to: Valentine’s day is coming up soon… Reasonable excuse to stock up on chocolate covered marshmellow hearts.. and devour them.

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