Friday, June 13, 2014

Cooper's 2 Months Old!

Happy two month birthday, Baby Boy! Your scrunchy nose smiles melt our hearts! You are such a sweet boy. We couldn't have asked for a better baby. Thank you for starting to sleep through the night, Little Man, Mama REALLY appreciates it! 

How old: 2 months
Looks like: Daddy
Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz
Height: 22 ½ inches
Likes: scrunchy nose smiles, being bounced, sleeping in his bassinet and sitting and standing up with someone to hold his hands
Dislikes: tummy time, no one paying attention to him and getting his shots at 8 weeks (not looking forward to these again at 4 months..)
Milestones: can pull himself up to a sitting position & then stand up on his own with someone holding his hands, scrunchy nose smiles (Mama’s favorite), starting to get a lot more vocal and finally slept through the night!

That smile melts my heart

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