Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy One Month Birthday, Cooper!

Happy one month birthday, my sweet sweet boy. This past month has both flew by and dragged on. I cannot believe that my little baby is one month old already.. It seems like just yesterday I was being walked into the OR to meet him for the very first time. We cannot wait to see what the following months have to offer! Mama & Daddy love you so much, Little Man! 

How old: 1 Month
Looks like: Daddy for sure
Weight: 12 lbs
Height: 21 ½ inches
Likes: being bounced.. all the time, car rides, rocking in the chair with Mama, going outside and sleeping with Mama & Daddy
Dislikes: tummy time, sleeping in his bassinet and being buckled in the car seat
Milestones: starting to sleep for longer stretches at night!

Coop's first bottle

We love when Auntie Zibba comes to visit!

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