Happy six month birthday to the little love of my life. You have grown so much in these past six months, it still amazes me. I am so glad that you finally cut your first tooth, and hope that the rest will not be as painful for you. I wish I could take all of that pain away from you. We cannot wait to see if you walk or crawl first!! Daddy is certainly ready for you to get up and go so you two can start playing more interactively, while Mama on the other hand would love for you to stay this little forever.
How old: 6 months
Looks like: A bit more balanced
Weight: 18 lbs 10 oz
Height: 27 inches
Likes: Going on the swings at the park, sitting up on his
own, screaming at the dog for not playing with him, screaming at his toys for
whatever reason, pretty much just screaming in general
Dislikes: Sleeping still
Milestones: Fully sits up on his own, is becoming quite the rolling machine, starting to balance himself on all fours & hold himself up on the edge of the couch.. I wonder if walking or crawling will come first?! On October 4th Cooper officially cut his first tooth! YAY!! We were also given the go-ahead to start him on purees! We are so excited!
In preparation of our move to the islands, we starting cloth diapering, as bringing that many disposables is not feasible and shipping to St. Kits cost an arm and a leg, and buying disposables there costs even more. Thus far we have been using BumGenius 4.0 pocket cloth diapers and I love them. I currently have only snaps but am looking to get some velcro ones too.. easier for Daddy to put on a squirmy baby. I certainly need to build my stash so I'm not doing laundry every or every other day to keep up with him. I'm thinking about putting an Alva Baby order in for just at home diapers/play diapers since they're really cheap when you buy in bulk. I also want to get some GroVia hybrids for when he's with the grandparents or when we're traveling.. that disposable insert will really come in handy.
We love our lunch dates with Auntie Zib
Waiting for Daddy while he checks out his tree stand on the hunting grounds
Uncle Andrew <3
How I get laundry done.
We finally transitioned Cooper into his crib, in hopes of solving his sleeping issues.. fingers crossed.
Look at the first tooth!!
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