Sunday, January 26, 2014

27 Weeks | 3D Ultrasound!

How far along: 27w 6d
Stretch marks: Yep.. still only on that one side. I chucked the Mustela in the garbage and started using BioOil 3x a day… Feeling like a greased pig but crossing my fingers this stuff works.
Sleep: Getting kind of difficult
Best Moment: Seeing our Lil’ Man on 3-D ultrasound! Oh my gosh is he the cutest thing EVER! He looks so much like his daddy, however, I think he may have my nose. Best part: HE HAS HAIR!!! WHOOP WHOOP!! No bald babies for this preggo lady!!
Worst Moment: Had to start going to the chiropractor for my pelvic issues.. she did some scans and measurements and said that my hips are displaced and it’s messing with the muscles/nerves in my pelvic region and keeping the baby from getting into the right position.
Miss anything: Sleep…
Movement: “I got my milk & my two step.. my milk and my two step….” –Baby H.
Cravings: Strawberries, Raspberries, Pineapple..
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: certainly.
Labor signs: Nope,
Belly button in/out: Can’t a girl at least get some coffee with this half-n-half?
Things you're looking forward to: 1 month until our baby shower!

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