Sunday, January 12, 2014

25 weeks

How far along: 25w 5d
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Good
Best Moment: Knowing our Lil’ Man is big and healthy, being over 2 pounds and all
Worst Moment: Starting to get some really bad pelvic pain/pressure
Miss anything: Sub sandwiches.. and Large Cokes from McDonalds
Movement: Oh ya.
Cravings: Fruit, Fruit, and more Fruit.
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Yep
Labor signs: Nope, just Braxton Hicks.
Belly button in/out: In
Things you're looking forward to: Getting our 3-D ultrasound in a few weeks! Can’t wait to see what our Lil’ Man looks like!

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