Sunday, January 19, 2014

26 Weeks

How far along: 26w 6d
Stretch marks: Woke up one day this week and literally thought I had been turned into a tiger/human hybrid on one side of my belly… WTF!?!? I have been lathering this Mustela on like no other… And why are they only on one side?!?!
Sleep: Getting a little tough with this pelvic pain.
Best Moment: Knowing we only have 3 months until Baby H’s due date!!
Worst Moment: This pelvic pain/pressure keeps getting worse.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my belly.
Movement: I think he was doing the Cha Cha Slide in there the other day…
Cravings: Fruit… I may or may not have resorted to eating Raspberry Preserves out of the jar the other day because the bread was just getting in the way when I eat it via a PB&J….
Anything making you queasy: Meat still
Showing: Certainly feeling a little front heavy these days.
Labor signs: Just the Braxton Hicks
Belly button in/out: It has this weird half-in/half-out kinda thing going on right now… not liking it too much.
Things you're looking forward to: Our 3-D ultrasound next week!

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