Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our Story..

Adam & I went to high school together. While we were great friends, we never dated in high school, which was probably the best thing we could've done. We started dating a few months after graduation, both moving to the city to go to college, and starting our "grown-up" lives together. Through the years we have become closer than ever. We've had plenty of ups & downs, adopted our first dog, Beef, who we had to put to sleep due to cancer only 18 short months after we brought him home, found our cat, Duncan, in a window well and took her in, and adopted our second pooch, Boone. We have been quite busy over the years, with me being a full-time student, finishing my second bachelors degree through a post-baccalaureate program and applying to medical school this year and Adam working at his family businesses that he will soon be taking over. We spend our free time watching Netflix, Blackhawks Hockey and football, playing outside with Boone, working on Adam's beloved salt water fish tank, going hunting (well..Adam hunts.. I sit there trying to be quiet..but miserably failing), and fishing (again, Adam & my dad go fishing.. I lay on the boat and work on my tan while occasionally complaining about how I have to pee.) Adam's family owns property in northern WI so we enjoy riding the ATVs and dirt bikes and taking the paddle boat out on the lake during the warmer months, and putting miles upon miles on the snowmobiles during the winter. While we have plenty of history together, the best is yet to come as we recently found out that we are expecting our first little one in April 2014! I have high hopes of documenting our journey into becoming new parents in the coming months with the help of my awesome chalkboard, beloved camera, and my new blog =)

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