Sunday, November 10, 2013

16 Weeks.. Where did this belly come from?!

Soo I'm 16 weeks now.. & I feel like I woke up this morning and my belly just blew up. Pretty sure it doubled in size from last week. If I keep growing at this rate gravity is going to take a toll on me & I'm pretty sure I'm just going to fall forward sooner or later.

Other news: Adam finally sealed the deal on a new car & got a pretty (family friendly) Jeep Wrangler Sahara Unlimited (much better than the death trap of a Chevy Camero he was previously driving) & we may have found a possible house! Although, it is completely gutted so it is a huge project.. but we would be able to build it back up the way we wanted to.. basically the next best thing to building a house from scratch I guess. My inner interior designer ego is doing backflips at all of the possibilities! More to come on the house front as things do or do not progress.

How far along: 16w 5d
Total weight loss/gain: 4 lbs gained
Measurements: 36 1/2" 35 1/2" 37 1/2" 
Stretch marks: Nope.. thanks to my Mustela stetch mark cream
Sleep: Meh.. could be better
Best Moment: No more nausea.. ALMOST done with my registry.. who knew that picking a stroller/car seat combo would be harder than taking my MCAT. 
Miss anything: sub sandwhiches and actually getting a good nights rest
Movement: Not yet, patiently waiting
Cravings: Baked potatoes 
Anything making you queasy: Nope
Showing: Looking more and more chubby 
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in/out: In
Things you're looking forward to: Feeling movement.. C'mon baby kick those long legs! 

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