Sunday, November 24, 2013

18 Weeks

Sooo.. The back pain is still lingering, so are the Braxton Hicks. Hasn't been a very fun week. Still waiting to hear from my boss so I'm going a little nutzo sitting at home. On a good note.. Feeling more and more movement, typically really late at night when I'm trying to fall asleep. Oh ya.. Sleep.. HA! I am seriously suffering from insomnia. Not sure if it's from the back pain, the little gymnast in my belly, or all of the thoughts running through my head but I could really use a night where I don't sit up for 3+ hours staring at the ceiling. Really looking forward to Black Friday shopping for Lil Man next week.. ToysRUs is having some pretty awesome sales! I guess you know you're a mom when shopping for your nugget is more exciting than shopping for yourself. 

How far along: 18w 6d
Total weight loss/gain: 5 lbs gained
Measurements: 38 1/2" 38 1/2" 39" 
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: What's that?
Best Moment: Feeling Lil Man roll around in there 
Worst Moment: Sitting around not working.. Going stir crazy
Miss anything: Sleep, not feeling like crap, and being able to take meds for my pain
Movement: Yep.. totally skipped that "butterfly" feeling and went straight to him doing back flips 
Cravings: Jello 
Anything making you queasy: Tried eating a steak the other day & it totally made me want to vomit 
Showing: I'd say.  
Labor signs: Nope, just the Braxton Hicks
Belly button in/out: In
Things you're looking forward to: Black Friday baby deals & spending time with family for the holiday. 

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