Sunday, November 3, 2013

15 Weeks // Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween all you little goblins & ghosts!! 

Yay!! Upgraded chalkboard is finally finished!! 

How far along: 15w 4d
Total weight loss/gain: 2 lbs gained
Measurements: 36" 34 1/2" 37" 
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Not too bad
Best Moment: Nausea is only in the morning now, finally living up to its name
Miss anything: White Chocolate Latte from Starbucks.. dammit caffeine. 
Movement: Not yet
Cravings: Jelly donuts, fruit, anything fruity really...  
Anything making you queasy: Nope
Showing: Bump is actually getting a little bigger
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in/out: In.. Belly button ring out. 
Things you're looking forward to: Getting my registry together before the madness of the holidays begins, and getting to see our little nugget again at our next ultrasound

Halloween Throughout The Years 

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