Never a dull moment in this Mama's life. While cleaning this week, I lost feeling in my legs for a few seconds while walking, which resulted in me falling straight on my back.. Freaking out I called the hospital because I already had my weekly ultrasound scheduled. They told me to come in early for the ultrasound just to check. Well, we went to the appointment and everything with the baby seemed fine.. Sigh of relief. However, the OB came in and said that I had to go to the L&D unit to be monitored for a little bit to make sure everything stays fine. Well this “little bit” turned into an overnight stay in the hospital when I got hooked up to the fetal monitors and the doctors saw I was having contractions every two minutes… Then of course I started feeling these contractions which was not so great. The contractions themselves weren’t so bad.. it was the fact that with every contraction Baby would push up under my ribs. I was 90% sure he was going to break one. They gave me a bunch of fluids to try and stop the contractions.. which didn’t work. Finally the doctor said that she wanted to give me medication to stop the contractions before I started dilating. I begrudgedly accepted because while I would love to not be pregnant anymore.. 35 weeks was a little too soon for me. All I kept thinking about was how his bed wasn’t set up yet. I know.. totally rational thought process. Well.. after a long afternoon and even longer night, we were released in the morning, with orders to take it easy. Of course for Adam this meant laying in bed until I went into labor. HA! I couldn’t sit still that long if I was chained to the bed. We’ll see how long this lasts…

How far
along: 35 w 4 d
Stretch marks:
Sleep: Not so
Moment: This week was pretty crappy..
Moment: staying in the hospital overnight, worrying if Baby was going to come early, thinking about who I could recruit to set up a bed for him.. the list is endless.
anything: Not being on bed rest
Movement: Yep..
He’s not happy about not being allowed out
Cravings: After
being NPO for almost 24 hrs.. EVERYTHING!
making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Yea…
signs: Yep.. 4-5 contractions an hour..
button in/out: Out.
Things you're looking forward to: staring at the ceiling??