Sunday, March 30, 2014

37 Weeks

How far along: 37 w 5 d
Stretch marks: mmm…
Sleep: No… anxiety and anticipation are at an all time high these days..
Best Moment: Only a few more weeks! & Baby still hasn’t hit the 10 lb mark yet so my natural delivery is still an option!
Worst Moment: Just very tired.
Miss anything: Sleep would be nice.
Movement: Yep… Baby wants out!
Cravings: Chocolate banana milkshakes.. Line em’ up!
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Yea…
Labor signs: Yep.
Belly button in/out: Out.
Things you're looking forward to: Appointment next week after our ultrasound to see what kind of delivery we’re looking at!

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