Sunday, March 23, 2014

36 Weeks (Not so) Patiently waiting...

How far along: 36 w 5 d
Stretch marks: |||||
Sleep: Nope..
Best Moment: Went back to work this week.. everyone in the office is just as bad as Adam though.. not allowed to leave my desk. UGH! However… We did get to take our maternity pictures this week! Our amazing doula, Lindsey, did our pictures and will be doing Baby H’s birth and newborn photography as well. We CANNOT wait to see how these turned out!
Worst Moment: Tired, hungry, these contractions are not fun, constantly worrying when I’m going to go back into labor.. Walking around Graue Mill for our pictures was a little rough.. but I was determined to get through it. Pain is temporary… pictures are forever, right?!
Miss anything: not carrying around an estimated 8 lb baby…
Movement: Yep
Cravings: Still caving those chocolate banana shakes..
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Yea…
Labor signs: Yep. Still having contractions.
Belly button in/out: Out.
Things you're looking forward to: We have another appointment with our OB at 38 weeks to see if Baby is small enough for a natural delivery or is too big (10 lbs or more), which will result in the dreaded C-section. Fingers crossed for 9 lbs 15 oz!

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