Sunday, March 2, 2014

33 Weeks

This week consisted of hitting up the baby stores to finish purchasing all of the things that we still needed for Baby H. For such a little person, he certainly needs a lot of things.. and they're not cheap. We picked up our stroller, baby tub, and a bunch of other things that were on our registry that we didn't receive at the shower. I will post my registry must-haves in a separate post for those Mamas-to-be that are looking for some advice. But some of my favorite things that we got this week are:

How far along: 33 w 6 d
Stretch marks: I’m going to start answering to “Mama Tigress” from now on
Sleep: barely
Best Moment: going to the store to finish purchasing all of the items that we still needed for Baby H
Worst Moment: Spending a ton of friggen money on items that we still needed for Baby H. For such a tiny person (well.. relatively speaking.. there seems to be nothing tiny about this baby) he sure needs a lot of things! Expensive things! Yikes!
Miss anything: Being able to see my feet again would be nice..
Movement: Yep
Cravings: Fruit.. lots and lots of strawberries.
Anything making you queasy: Meat, still.. wondering if my inner carnivore will ever return…
Showing: Yea…
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in/out: Out.
Things you're looking forward to: Rearranging our room to fit the bassinet and all of Baby H’s new things

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