Saturday, April 19, 2014

Cooper's first week home!

This first week home with Cooper has kind of been a blur. Nursing every 2 1/2-3 hours.. for an hour every time has (literally) drained me. We typically fall asleep in our rocking chair together in between nighttime feedings. Taking a shower, putting on make-up, let alone getting things done around he house seem to be impossible these days. Adam has taken this whole week off of work.. which has been a godsend. He's went to go get us lunch everyday, made runs to the baby store for miscellaneous items, taken Cooper while I pee.. you know.. all the little things. But, That will be coming to an end next week as he will be going back to work, and it will be me and little man alone all day! 

We are looking forward to spending Easter with our families this weekend. We have breakfast at Adam's grand parent's house, then hopefully making it back to my parent's house to see my family, and then off to Adam's parents for dinner. We'll see how late we are getting to breakfast.. as it will be our first outing with Cooper. Wish us luck! 

Milk Coma!

My Sweet Boy(s)

Best Buddies For Life

Wow.. Thanks Coop. 

Cooper's First Bath!

It's a Cooper Shark!!

Going to his well-baby check-up! 

First trip to Grandma & Grandpa Holmstrom's House!

We <3 Uncle/Godfather Alex! 


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