Monday, April 28, 2014

AJ's Birthday

Well, as if AJ didn't get the best birthday gift ever this year, a beautiful baby boy just days before his birthday, we made sure to surprise him the day before with a cupcake cake, a birthday crown, birthday girl plates, and pin the tail on the donkey... Unfortunately only the cake and plates were put to use, haha. Life is beyond exciting with a 2 week old. Party hard, baby. A big thank you to Auntie Zibba and Uncle Sean for bringing the essentials. We celebrated again with Adam's family the day of with yet more cake, more presents and a well behaved baby boy =) 

Happy Birthday to the most amazing daddy out there! We love you to the moon & back!

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

It's OK to use the baby as a table, right? 

Best Birthday Gift Ever

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