Friday, April 11, 2014

38 Weeks.. 10.1 pounds.. return of placenta previa..official bed rest.. Can I catch a break?

How far along: 38 w 3 d
Stretch marks: No words..
Sleep: Not anymore.
Best Moment: Knowing when Baby H will be here..
Worst Moment: Baby H is an estimated 10.1 lbs… which means I’ll be having a C-section. However, the OB said that my placenta previa came back.. so I’m on bed rest for the weekend until my scheduled C-section on Monday morning. Not exactly sure how it came back.. but now I’m on full panic mode. Constantly checking for any bleeding or fluid leaking. Contractions are a good 10 min apart so I’m hoping that they stay that way until Monday!
Miss anything: Not worrying all the time
Movement: Oh yes.. Baby is not enjoying these contractions.
Cravings: Lots of water.. feeling very dehydrated no matter how much I drink.
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Yea…
Labor signs: Yep.. contractions a steady 10 min apart on this lovely Friday afternoon.
Belly button in/out: Out.
Things you're looking forward to: Getting to see our baby bay on Monday!

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