Sunday, December 8, 2013

20 Weeks

So they say when it rains it pours.. Well, I can attest to that. We went to our 20 week ultrasound this week, and while Lil Man is doing absolutely fabulous and growing like crazy, I was told I have Placenta Previa. As if all the complications I'm facing with my uterine septum weren't enough.. now we have this to worry about. The OB had to come in after the ultrasound tech was finished and take some more pictures and talk to us about what this new diagnosis meant. She told us we have to come back in 3-4 weeks to do another ultrasound to see if the placenta has moved.. however, she didn't seem too optimistic about it. So, if it hasn't moved then we'll have to schedule a C-section at 36-37 weeks to ensure that I don't go into labor. Keeping my fingers crossed that I don't experience any bleeding before than because I was also told that if that happens then I'll have to go straight to the hospital and possibly be admitted and probably be put on bed rest. Was told to continue the no lifting/pushing/pulling order, more now than ever.. Trying to stay positive and take it easy until our next ultrasound at 24 weeks and go from there.. Easier said than done. 

On a better note, my boss was able to find me a position down in dispatch, so I'm back to work next week! Working ~3 days a week, 12 hour shifts sitting at a desk answering phones and telling my ambulances where to go from here on out! Only problem... headquarters is a good 45 min-1 hr drive from my house... Bah... REALLY going to need a new car ASAP unless I want to spend my whole check at the gas pump. Damn you 12 mpg Jeep. 

How far along: 20w 6d
Total weight loss/gain: 7 lbs gained
Measurements: 39 1/2" 38 1/2" 40" 
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Getting a little better
Best Moment: Seeing Lil Man on the ultrasound again this week, growing nice & big!
Worst Moment: Finding out that I have Placenta Previa & that Lil Man is still breech
Miss anything: Hotdogs
Movement: Yep.. Lil Man is quite the ninja, being breech and all, his little fists deliver quite the punch in my side
Cravings: Jello 
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Oh ya..   
Labor signs: Nope, just the Braxton Hicks
Belly button in/out: In
Things you're looking forward to: Another ultrasound at 24 weeks to check if the placenta has moved at all

Our 20 week ultrasound picture of Lil Man

Hand up by the head, like always, pondering life's dilemmas 

Little nose & nostrils 

Creepy skeleton looking face...

Definitely still a boy! 

Mr. Big Foot! 

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