Monday, December 16, 2013

21 Weeks: Finally up to date with my posts!

Finally up to date with my posts people! I've been so behind posting weekly pictures due to school and work and such, but I am finally up to date & am going to try my hardest to stay on track! 

How far along: 21w 6d
Total weight loss/gain: 8 lbs gained
Measurements: 39 1/2" 40" 40" 
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Not too bad..
Best Moment: Getting Christmas shopping done (for the most part) I know I'm a major procrastinator.. & Finishing up finals! Ready for Graduation for Bachelors degree #2!
Worst Moment: Had another "episode" while in Charming Charlie this week.. ugh If anyone knows what these could be from.. feel free to let me know. I also kind of feel a cold coming on.. Praying to God that it's just a false alarm though.
Miss anything: Regular coffee.. need something to keep me warm but I feel like the decaf stuff is giving me headaches
Movement: Oh yes.. Our Lil Ninja delivers quite the punch. 
Cravings: Milano Double Chocolate Cookies & Milk.. No I am not currently eating them... (yes I am.) 
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Oh ya.. Beginning to wonder if there are twins.. perhaps triplets in there that are hiding from the ultrasound.. I can only imagine the large beached whale that I'll look like once I actually reach the end of this pregnancy.  
Labor signs: Nope, just the Braxton Hicks
Belly button in/out: In
Things you're looking forward to: Another ultrasound at 24 weeks to check if the placenta has moved at all, My best friend Jaclyn is coming back home for a few weeks on Thursday & celebrating my other best friend Zibba's birthday on Friday. Oh, and of course Christmas, my birthday, and New Years the following weeks. How I love love love this time of year! (now I actually have an excuse to max out on all the holiday sweets that I want.. muahaha) 

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