Sunday, December 22, 2013

22 weeks

How far along: 22w 6d
Total weight loss/gain: 10 lbs gained
Measurements: 40" 40" 40" (Well isn't that special...Psh..)
Stretch marks: Nope
Sleep: Not too bad..
Best Moment: Getting ready for Christmas, and Dr says things are going well. 
Worst Moment: Finding out at the Dr that I've gained 10 lbs thus far.. & I am certainly feeling every pound. He told me to watch the sweets over the holidays since the jerk scheduled me for my Glucose Test 2 weeks after! 
Miss anything: Not feeling like a whale.
Movement: Lil Man is getting stronger and stronger each day
Cravings: Milano Double Chocolate Cookies & Milk still, and any and all fruit
Anything making you queasy: Meat
Showing: Oh ya.. Supposedly Lil man is supposed to weigh 1 lb now.. I'm thinking he's way more than that.
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in/out: In
Things you're looking forward to: Another ultrasound at 24 weeks to check if the placenta has moved at all. 

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