Thursday, February 5, 2015

But first... Let me put on my nurse hat

Holy mother of all chaos. When it rains it pours, right? So, Sunday night after we finished cleaning and reorganizing Cooper's nursery we all went to bed to get some much needed sleep. It was the first night that I've been in a separate room than CJ, so I had such a hard time sleeping. Well, come 11pm on the dot per usual, Cooper woke up. I am trying to night wean him so after trying to give him back his paci to put him back to sleep without holding/feeding him to no avail, I picked him up to rock him back to sleep. I noticed that he was burning up, so I took his temperature and of course it was 102. I immediately got the Tylenol, as he is never this warm. I figured it might be the teething, as he just recently cut two more teeth, but I couldn't stomach putting him back in his crib when he wasn't feeling well. We put one of our couches in his room when we rearranged so Coop & I snuggled up on the couch and fell asleep. He actually slept pretty well, on top of me, but I think he only woke up once to nurse for about 30 second and fell back asleep. Normally he does not enjoy cuddling, he wants to lay next to us, but have his own space. So, I knew he wasn't feeling well when he literally couldn't be any closer to me. We woke up later than usual, called AJ to say good morning like we always do, and found out that he was feeling horrible as well.

Of course, Cooper's fever did not go below 100, and I had to go into my new work to fill out paperwork and get my health screening done before I have orientation. Zibba was set to watch Cooper for me while I went, and when he wouldn't nap in the morning, I knew it was going to be a rough day. Cooper was hysterical once Zibba walked in the door, and it only got worse as I handed him off to finish getting ready and then all hell broke loose once I tried to leave. He sobbed for 20 minutes after I left, and then finally decided that Zibba was a decent snuggle buddy and spent the next two hours showing her some love. I was able to get him to take a much needed nap once I got home from work, even though it only lasted 40 minutes. I couldn't get his fever to break at all, and at this point he was fighting me every step of the way when I tried to feed him his solids, which he normally loves. Thankfully he was still nursing well. AJ came home and was sick as a dog, and so began my week-long nursing shift. Cooper's fever finally broke Tuesday night, but he is still pretty crabby/clingy and picky about eating. AJ finally went to the doctor today and got medicine, so he should be feeling better soon, fingers crossed.

I feel like I have been a single parent this week since I have been keeping Cooper quarantined from AJ because I don't want him to get sick as well. Let me tell you, it is not fun. All you single Mamas, I have a new found respect for you.

Sick Snuggles with my babe <3 

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