Saturday, February 14, 2015

Winter Wisconsin Trip!

We went up to AJ's family farm this week to celebrate AJ's mom's birthday, get some snowmobiling in, and let Cooper play in the mounds of snow they have up there! Of course, the temperature bottomed out right before we got there, so we were stuck inside most of the trip. The guys did get to take the sleds out for a long run on Thursday and Cooper got to go out on his sled for a bit too. Friday AJ's mom watched Cooper for a bit so I could go out riding for a bit =) We also celebrated Cooper's 10 month birthday up there, so Grandma let him help blow out her birthday candles! This kid LOVES fire.. like in an almost creepy way.. hence the scary fire worshiping face in the photos. 

We also got to stop & see my grandma on the way home, as her home is Wisconsin isn't too far off the route home. She hasn't been able to see him since his christening and that was when he was 3 months old. It was awesome to get to see her again, and to have her see all of Cooper's new developments. 

Love this photo of Cooper with the house and barn that AJ's grandpa grew up on

Baby in a bar.. 

Cooper loving on Uncle Andrew

Already dancing on the bar.. 

On the road again to go see Meme! 

Bribery lol

Mars Cheese Castle! 

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