Monday, January 19, 2015

Our weekend

We took advantage of the decent Chicago weather this weekend & took Cooper out on his new sled that he got from Great Grandma and Great Grandpa for Christmas. He had a blast letting AJ pull him around! We tried yogurt and pancakes for the first time this weekend, and watched the championship game with AJ's family, who are very upset Packer fans right now. I cherish the moments that I get to see Cooper play with his grandparents and great grandparents.. It reminds me of all of the memories I have playing with my grandparents. He is a very lucky boy to have two wonderful sets of grandparents and thee great grandparents!

We are also happy to announce that Cooper finally cut his asshole of a top tooth today! It has been causing so much trouble the past few weeks! Now onto the next!

Pull Faster! 

I think he has enough toys for a while 

Mama & Munchkin morning yogurt date

Wheat bear pancakes! 

Wheat pancakes & bananas 

Until next year, I suppose. 

Cooper playing with Great Grandma Fran 

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